Author Guidelines

  1. Prior to submission, register and log in as an author to the system.
  2. The manuscript must be submitted through the system of the journal. 
  3. The manuscript should contain between 3,000 to 7,000 words with a single space (excluding Abstract and Reference section) in one column style.
  4. The submitted manuscript is in English with doc., docx., or rtf. formats, single space, 12 font size, Times New Roman, A4 paper with 2.54 cm margins. 
  5. No header or footer is required. 
  6. The main headings include ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, METHOD, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES. Authors are allowed to use subheadings under the main headings. If necessary, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and APPENDIX may be included.
  7. The title should be no more than 15 words, in sentence case, centered, 14 font size.
  8. The abstract must be between 200-250 words, consisting of the background of the study, the purpose of the paper, research methodology, and main findings/results, and conclusion. Following the abstract, write three to five keywords.
  9. Quotation, citations, tables, figures, and references must comply with the APA citation style.
  10. Every source cited in the body of the article should appear in the reference, and all sources appearing in the reference should be cited in the body of the article.
  11. The sources cited should at least 80% come from those published in the last 5 years. The sources cited are primary sources in the form of reputable journal articles (strongly recommended), books, and research reports, including theses and dissertations. Citations from journals should be at least 80% of the total references cited.
  12.  Citation is done using brackets (last name and year of publication). When the sources are cited verbatim, the page number is included (p. 78 or pp. 78-89).