Fluida (p-ISSN 1412-8543 and e-ISSN 2723-7680) is a scientific journal that publishes research articles twice a year (May and November). This journal is published by Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN). The Fluida journal contains articles that focus on laboratory research results, problem simulation results, conceptual analysis of production, problem-solving, maintenance and process system studies or evaluation, with a scope in the fields of Chemical Engineering, Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Bioprocess Technology, and Food Technology. Every article submitted to the journal Fluida will go through a review process using a double-blind review system. This journal already has a DOI number with the prefix 10.35313/fluida.

Article Processing Charge


To enhance the management process of authors' articles, Fluida has implemented an article publication fee for handling, layout editing, and publication starting from the November 2023 edition. The fee is 500,000 IDR (32 USD). It's important to note that no payment is required during submission; the fee will be charged when your article is ready to be published. All payments must be made to:

Bank: Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)

Account number: 154901000014301

Account name: RPL 022 BLU POLBAN UTK OPS P2



Starting May 2023 issue, Jurnal Fluida Politeknik Negeri Bandung will publish all articles in English. All submissions in Bahasa Indonesia before this announcement posted will be requested to translate into English. Thank you.

Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): FLUIDA

Published: 2024-11-30

Pyrolysis of Medical Mask Waste into Liquid Fuel Using Activated Natural Zeolite Catalyst

Fitria Yulistiani, Risdo Satriya Agati, Aria Henry Haidar, Ayu Ratna Permanasari


Adsorption of Methylene Blue Using Activated Carbon Bioadsorbent Coffee Grounds and Reed Grass Without Flow Rate

Irwan Hidayatulloh, Dianty Rosirda Dewi Kurnia, Heni Anggorowati, Emma Hermawati Muhari, Luthfiana Kharisma, Radianti Novita Sari, Tifa Paramitha, Rony Pasonang Sihombing


Effectiveness of Silica Sulphate Catalyst Based on Rice Husk Ash in The Oleic Acid Esterification Process

Lidya Elizabeth, Ade Rifqi Maulana, Anisa Dwi Febriani, Saripudin, Eko Andrijanto


The Methylene Blue Adsorption by Calcium Alginate-Activated Carbon Composite in Fixed Bed Column

Adzikri Wardana Putra, Heru Hermawan, Sinta Setyaningrum, Tifa Paramitha


The Effect of Fermentation Time in Full Wash and Honey Processing on Arabica Coffee Characteristics

Bevi Lidya, Isnaeni Rahma Wildiani, Muhammad Zikri Ramadhan, Tri Hariyadi


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