Diesel Engine 4-Stroke Performance Test with Jatropha Oil Biodiesel Fuel Mixture

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Agus Subeno -


Biodiesel is an alternative energy substitute for diesel fuel made from vegetable or animal oils that produces environmentally friendly exhaust gas which is currently being developed, one example of biodiesel is Jatropha Pagar oil. The performance test of the diesel engine with a mixture of Jatropha oil was carried out to determine the performance of the diesel engine including power, torque, and fuel consumption. Biodiesel will be mixed with diesel fuel with concentrations of B5, B10, and B15, where the concentration of B5 is 5% Jatropha oil and 95% diesel fuel, the B10 concentration is 10% Jatropha oil and 90% diesel fuel, while the concentration of B15 namely 15% Jatropha oil and 85% diesel fuel. Then a performance test was carried out on the Yanmar TS/AS10 diesel engine. Tests carried out include power, specific fuel consumption, and thermal efficiency. The test was carried out by varying the throttle opening of the engine rotation. The best output power at a load of 1000 Watts is produced by B15 fuel, namely 0.533 kW at 1691 rpm, and at a load of 2000 Watt the best output power is produced by B15 fuel, namely 0.650 kW at 1688 rpm. The lowest specific fuel consumption at a load of 1000 Watts was produced by B15 fuel, namely 2.18 kg/kWh at an engine speed of 1691 rpm. Meanwhile, at a load of 200 Watts, the lowest specific fuel consumption was produced by B10 fuel, namely 1.86 kg/kWh at the best engine speed, namely 1675 rpm. At a load of 1000 Watt, the best thermal efficiency is produced by B15 fuel, namely 3.64% at an engine speed of 1691 rpm. Meanwhile, at a load of 2000 Watt, the best thermal efficiency is produced by B10 fuel, namely 4.30% at 1675 rpm.


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-, A. S. (2024). Diesel Engine 4-Stroke Performance Test with Jatropha Oil Biodiesel Fuel Mixture. MeTrik Polban, 6(01), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.35313/metrik.v6i01.5725


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