Determining Distribution of Deflection And Strain In The Cantilever Beam By Using Finite Element Method Determining Distribution of Deflection And Strain In The Cantilever Beam By Using Finite Element Method

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Citra Asti Rosalia Rosalia
Adi Kurnia Muktabar
Arief Nur Pratomo


A structure is expected not to undergo excessive deflection and strain to ensure good performance. This study aims to analyze the deflection and strain in cantilever beams using the Finite Element Method with variations in the number of elements. The analysis is conducted using the finite element method. A finite element model was developed using the FE code MSC PATRAN/NASTRAN and was verified through analytical method. A comparative analysis was conducted on deflection strain distribution. The utilized model consists of varying numbers of elements, namely 2, 5, 10, 20, and 40 elements. The results showed the numerical and analytical approaches demonstrate remarkable similarity and reliable. Furthermore, the number of elements effect on the deflection and strain distribution.


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How to Cite
Rosalia, C. A. R., Muktabar, A. K., & Pratomo, A. N. . (2024). Determining Distribution of Deflection And Strain In The Cantilever Beam By Using Finite Element Method: Determining Distribution of Deflection And Strain In The Cantilever Beam By Using Finite Element Method. MeTrik Polban, 6(01), 20–30.


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