A Microfluidic Chip Durability Test Equipment Manufacturing Process Proses Pembuatan Alat Uji Daya Tahan Chip Microfluidic

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Zainuddin -


PT. XXX Indonesia is a company engaged in manufacturing robots implemented in the pharmaceutical and medical fields. One of the products from formulatrix uses microfluidic technology and is applied to the manufacture of microfluidic chips. To increase productivity and efficiency in chip manufacturing, tools are needed to make it easier to conduct research in order to produce good and maximum products to meet customer needs. The design of this tool was created using software called Onshape, with a simple design focusing on functions and usability. There are several processes in making chip durability test equipment, namely making machining programs, prototyping, assembly, and trials. The machining program was created using the OneCNC XR8 Expert application, prototyping using 3D print s-plus. In the process of assembling chip durability test equipment, the materials and components used have been provided by the Company. The trial process is carried out so that the tool can be used optimally. The working principle of this tool is to run 10 chips at once continuously until ± one million dispensing cycles, and operated through software. The application of the chamber and liquid trap system aims to avoid a decrease in pump pressure if the pump has a problem and the leaking chip does not cause damage to electronic components caused by liquid entering the electronics. With the creation of this tool, it is expected to increase the productivity and efficiency of making microfluidic chips.


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How to Cite
-, Z. (2024). A Microfluidic Chip Durability Test Equipment Manufacturing Process : Proses Pembuatan Alat Uji Daya Tahan Chip Microfluidic . MeTrik Polban, 6(01), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.35313/metrik.v6i01.5761


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