Aircraft Model Stability Design Analysis using DATCOM
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Given the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia, the development of tourism in Indonesia is increasing. Indonesia is an archipelago so that inter-island transportation is needed to connect one island with another. Every island in Indonesia has the potential to attract many tourists. However, the efficiency of some types of transportation is often reduced. A transportation system called WiG (Wing in Ground Effect) aircraft has been developed. in Ground Effect) has been developed in many countries as a means of transportation called WIG- Craft which can be used on land or in water by utilizing the downwash effect. This transportation was developed because it is very efficient in its use. This Final Project designs the WiG Eska-1 aircraft model model aircraft that flies by utilizing the surface effect, and examines the control system for maneuvering and maintaining surface conditions on the model aircraft. In addition, it also analyzes stability in the longitudinal, lateral and directional dimensions using Digital Datcom software. Thus it is expected that the aircraft can fly more stable as desired and it can be proven that the aircraft flies with Ardupilot as programming to produce the desired data and results, the last thing I will do is review the flight control of the WiG-Eska-1 model aircraft. The tools used in this control system are using elevators, rudders, ailerons and electronic controls. The target during the flight test of the Wing In Ground Effect model aircraft must be able to fly with maneuvers and maintain stable ground conditions, yaw, picth and roll as expected.
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Nursabila, S. (2024). Aircraft Model Stability Design Analysis using DATCOM. MeTrik Polban, 6(01), 40–48.
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[2] H. S. Saroinsong et al., "Design of an Ardupilot-based Fixed Wing Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle," vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 73-84, 2018.
[3] R. Asrori, "Analysis of static stability of uav ssu-1.2 aircraft," p. 120, 2015.
[4] Nelson, R. C. 1998. Flight Stability and Automatic Control. 2nd ed. University of Notre Dame
[5] P. Windayani and H. Hartono, "Analysis of the Longitudinal Static Stability of Kolibri 08-V2 UAV Platform," Sainstech J. Penelit. dan Pengkaj. Science and Technol., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 67-74, 2021, doi: 10.37277/stch.v30i2.824.
[6] Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013. Indonesia Population Projection Indonesia Population Projection. Jakarta: Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia.
[7] Avianto, Mohamad, (2001), Measurement of Air Transport Service Quality for Bandung- Surabaya Route, Master's Thesis of Transportation Study Programme ITB, Bandung.
[8] McCormick, Barnes W. 1979. Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics. USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
[9] Hoak, D.E., USAF Stability and Control Datcom. Flight Control Division, Airforce Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1960.
[10] Mulder, J.A. and J.W.H. Staveren, Flight Dynamics, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft – The Netherlands, 2000