Author Guidelines

Expansion is a journal that contains scientific papers in the fields of Economics, Finance, Banking, and Accounting, both with a conventional approach and those based on Islamic sharia. Expansion is published twice a year. The manuscripts published are the results of selection that have been approved by the Editor and have never been published in other publications. 

Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English with Goudy Old Style 13pt font and arranged systematically in the following order:

a) Title in capital letters (brief and clear).

b) The author's name is written below the title and without title.

c). If there is more than one author name, write all author names on the same line. If more than two lines, then write the author's name on the second line.

d) Write the name of the author's institution on the next line.

c) Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English for manuscripts in Indonesian. Articles written in English only need to be written in English. The number of words used to write the abstract is no more than 200 words.

d) Keywords consist of 1 - 5 words.

e) The content of the paper is composed of Introduction, Concept Review and Hypothesis Formulation, or a review of the underlying theoretical concepts, Research Methods, Data Analysis Results, Discussion and Conclusions, as well as Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research.

f) The introduction contains the background of the research and the gaps that occur in the research area under study, as well as the importance of the research. In addition, this section can also mention the objectives of the research and the novelty of the research.

g) Concept review and hypothesis formulation, contains an explanation of the research variables used and the relationship between the variables, and how the hypothesis for the study is formulated.

h) The research method contains the approach and design of the research conducted, including the research model conducted, the tools used, and the results of the statistical analysis produced.

i) Discussion and conclusions, contains a discussion of the results of data analysis that has been carried out and strong reasons, based on logic and previous research, about the results of the analysis obtained, as well as conclusions compiled according to the discussion carried out. This section should also include theoretical research implications and practical implications for the industry (managerial implications).

j) Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research (if any) are equally important, especially for the development of science and future researchers.