Manufacture of Water Discharge Measuring Instruments

  • Salsabilla Rizki Amelia Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: water discharge, water flow meter sensor


Manufacture of Water Discharge Measuring Instruments. Discharge measurement is a
process of measuring and calculating the speed, depth and width of the flow as well as
calculating the wet cross-sectional area to calculate the flow of closed and open channels. The
main purpose of making this water flow measuring tool is to make it easier to monitor or
monitor or evaluate the water balance in a closed channel which was previously a conventional
system to digital system. An Arduino Uno Microcontroller-based Water Flow Meter has been
designed using the YF DN50 G2 Water Flow Meter Sensor. Sensor Water Flow Meter YFDN50 G2” or can be called Sensor Water Flow Meter is a water flow sensor made of plastic
material in which there is a water rotor, plastic valve and a hall effect sensor. Based on the tests
that have been carried out, the YF DN50 G2" Water Flow Meter Sensor has a good performance
in measuring water flow, the results of the water flow measurement measured in the water flow
sensor test obtained a maximum value of water flow rate of 109 L/minute and a Range or
percentage error ( error) generated between the water flow meter and the Flowatch water
velocity gauge is below 3% with a maximum error value of 2.92% and is in accordance with
what is stated in the specifications of the Water Flow Meter Sensor datasheet, which is an error
value of ±3%.


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