Analisa Pengaturan Kelembapan Air Handling Unit Area Produksi Vaksin Sinovac PT. Biofarma

  • Mutiara Sholihah Energi
Keywords: Air Handling Unit, Kelembapan, Suhu, CPOB


Air Handling Unit is an environmental conditioning unit by controlling temperature, humidity, air movement direction, air quality, and controlling particles in the air. AHU has a very important role for the pharmaceutical industry, in the air conditioning system there are critical parameters that can affect product quality such as temperature and humidity, so that both values ​​must always be maintained in accordance with the standards and set points determined by CPOB (Good Manufacturing Practices of Medicines). ) under the supervision of BPOM. CPOB sets a standard for a temperature of 20oC and a humidity of 55% for class B class. Humidity control analysis is carried out by comparing the actual humidity with the set point then plotting on a psychromteric chart so that a new point is obtained that reaches the humidity set point, from the calculation results obtained so that both The mass flow rate of water needed to reach the humidity in the cooling coil is 1.75889 kg/s, with the amount of energy needed to reach the humidity is 29.82233173 kJ/s, after adjusting the mass flow rate of water in the cooling coil until the RH reaches the set point, then temperature control is done on the heating coil through sensible heating, the result is that the mass flow rate of water required for the temperature to reach the set point is 1.758925 kg/s, with the amount of energy required to raise the temperature from 17.2oC to 20oC is 18.98319 kJ/s. s.s always d keep the value in accordance with the standards and set points determined by the Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB) under the supervision of BPOM.


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