Manufacturing of Control and Monitoring Equipment for Soil Moisture, Water Level, Energy Consumption on Arduino and IoT-Based Smart Garden Prototypes

  • Erika Oktavia Putri Budiman Teknik Konversi Energi
Keywords: Soil Moisture Sensor YL-69, Ultrasonik Sensor HC-SR04, PZEM Sensor, Arduino Mega, ESP-12F, Pump, Solenoid Valve, Soil Moisture, Water Level, Automatic Plant Irrigation, Energy Consumption Monitoring, Blynk, IoT


Technology in this era is growing rapidly and becomes a necessity for humans. One area that requires technology is plantations. Therefore, a technology was created to facilitate human work in gardening. The technology created is a smart garden where in this tool there is an automatic irrigation system, an automatic reservoir water filling system, and monitoring of the power and electrical energy used by the tool. this technology also makes it possible to be monitored remotely using the Blynk app on a cellular phone. The control system that is made in this prototype uses a soil moisture sensor YL-69, an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, and a PZEM sensor as well as an ESP-12F Wifi module. The YL-69 sensor is placed on the soil surface and will detect moisture in the soil. The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 is placed on the top surface of the water reservoir to read the water level in the water reservoir. This tool can perform irrigation of plants and water filling automatically at certain humidity values ​​and water levels. The PZEM sensor is used to monitor the use of power and electrical energy used by the tool. the measured parameters can be observed using the Blynk application in real-time. This smart garden prototype system is expected to make the plant irrigation system more efficient and can facilitate human work. The results of the tool testing show that the tool has been successfully made in accordance with the desired system conditions. The amount of energy consumption used by the tool in the 6-hour test from 08.00 to 14.00 is 0.018 kWh with a reading error of 0.13%.


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