Effect of Using High Efficiency Stairmand Geometry Ratio on Top Cyclone Separator Collection Efficiency

  • Ferrianto Falikh Syamsudin Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Maridjo Maridjo Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Ika Yuliyani Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: Top cyclone separator, Stairmand high efficiency ratio, Muschelknautz method, Collection efficiency


The performance of the top cyclone separator can be affected by the size and shape of the cyclone. The design of a top cyclone separator that has low operating costs has several advantages, including the ability to operate at high temperatures and very easy maintenance. One method that is often chosen to increase clinker production is to modify the top cyclone separator. Increased clinker production can occur as a result of increased tool performance, which can then result in energy savings in the process. This paper reviews the cyclone geometry design in a simple and economical way to increase the efficiency of the device. The selection of the high efficiency Stairmand dimensional ratio and the use of the Muschelknautz (MM) method in calculating the top cyclone separator performance are considered as comprehensive methods that can increase high collection efficiency. After analyzing the calculations using the Muschelknautz Method with the Stairmand geometry ratio, a collection efficiency of 0,966 and a pressure drop of 159,33 Pa for the top cyclone separator is obtained.


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