Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi <div id="focusAndScope"> <p>Jurnal Teknik Energi (P-ISSN: <a title="Detail Terbitan Jurnal Teknik Energi" href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1320829305" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2089-2527</a>) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Konversi Energi, Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Jurnal Teknik Energi berfokus pada terapan ilmu teknik dalam bidang energi yaitu konversi energi, utilitas bangunan, pembangkit tenaga listrik, energi terbarukan, audit dan konservasi energi. Jurnal Teknik Energi diterbitkan secara berkala 2 kali setahun, pada bulan November dan April.<br><br></p> </div> <div id="peerReviewProcess">&nbsp;</div> <div id="custom-2"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> en-US ignatius.mardiyanto@polban.ac.id (Ignatius Riyadi Mardiyanto) annisa.syafitrik@polban.ac.id (Annissa Syafitri) Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Development Of Power Monitoring Tools On 50 Wp Based Solar Panel Batteries Internet Of Things https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5220 <p>PLTS is one type of power plant whose potential can be utilized in<br>Indonesia. PLTS can produce alternative energy by utilizing sunlight. The energy<br>received from solar panels is stored in the battery and the energy that will be<br>channeled from the battery requires monitoring so that the condition of the battery<br>can be maintained properly. Monitoring of the battery is also needed to determine<br>the value of parameters such as the incoming voltage and current so that this does<br>not occur overcharge. This research aims to make a tool monitoring based battery<br>powerIoT in order to make it easier to monitor the condition of the battery with an<br>automatic system. The sensor used in this study is the INA 219 sensor with the ESP<br>8266 microcontroller. The results of testing the voltage and current calibration<br>data of the INA 219 sensor have an average value error voltage 0.43% the result<br>of the equation 𝑦 = 0,09987x − 0.0065 . for value error the average current is<br>5.67% the result of the equation 𝑦 = 1,0101x + 24.95. The results of the relay<br>test against the load are initiated against the value State of Charge. For relay to<br>load it has a range of values SoC by 31% with conditions below 31% relay will<br>open, moment SoC above 31% relay will be in condition close. Relay against<br>battery is initiated when SoC worth 90% of the value SoC above 90% battery relay<br>will be disconnected (open). The results of research data via the thinger.io web<br>server have a battery increase of 69% with an initial condition of a battery<br>percentage of 27% and a final condition of 95% with an average current of 565 mA<br>carried out for a total of 8 hours of testing, parameters in monitoring battery can<br>be displayed through the web server in the form of current, voltage, and State of<br>Charge battery. The main function of this tool with the system Internet of Things<br>able to monitor the condition of the battery that can be accessed at any time.</p> Fajar Malik, Sri Paryanto Mursid, Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5220 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RANCANG BANGUN PJU ENERGI SURYA MEMPERTIMBANGKAN ESTETIKA DAN RAMAH LINGKUNGAN https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5686 <p>PJU (Penerangan Jalan Umum) Energi Surya merupakan perangkat lampu yang dipergunakan untuk memberikan cahaya penerangan pada area jalan umum. PJU membantu masyarakat untuk melakukan aktiviatasnya di area jalan pada malam hari dengan aman dan lancar. Rancangan PJU Energi Surya memanfaatkan teknologi konversi energi matahari menjadi listrik untuk mendayai lampu PJU. Dengan sistem 2 (dua) luminer (sumber cahaya) sebagaimana diatur pada PerMen Menhub RI No. PM 27 Tahun 2018, dimana dipergunakan lampu utama 50 watt dan lampu pendukung 10 watt, maka dibutuhkan panel surya jenis monokristal dengan daya 120 watt. Lampu utama menyala setelah matahari terbenam dan padam pukul 20:00, selanjutnya lampu pendukung melanjutkan menyala sampai dengan pukul 6:00. Rancangan PJU juga merujuk pada Standar Nasional Indonesia tentang Lampu Penerangan Jalan (SNI 7391:2008) dengan mempertimbangkan estetika, sehingga keberadaan PJU memberikan tambahan keindahan pada lingkungan tempat dipasangnya, alih-alih menjadi visual noise. Secara keseluruhan, rancangan PJU Energi Surya menjadi perangkat yang ramah lingkungan dan mendukung penggunaan energi baru terbarukan secara berkelanjutan.</p> Bambang Manunggal, Sri Paryanto Mursid, Sri Utami, Ignatius Riyadi Mardiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5686 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMBUATAN TURBIN VORTEX DENGAN JUMLAH SUDU TIGA BILAH https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5687 <p>Indonesia memiliki banyak sungai yang memiliki potensi besar untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Pemanfaatkan aliran air dilakukan melalui pembangkit listrik yang skalanya lebih kecil dibanding PLTA. Jenis pembangkit listrik tenaga air tersebut ialah <em>microhydro </em>yang dapat menghasilkan energi listrik dengan teknologi yang lebih sederhana. Desa Cipancar Kabupaten Sumedang masih terdapat sungai yang memiliki aliran yang cukup deras dengan kecepatan 0.768 m/s dan kedalaman yang hanya pada kisaran 45 cm sampai 60 cm. Hal tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan energi yang dibangkitkan menggunakan turbin <em>vortex </em>yang termasuk klasifikasi turbin dengan <em>head </em>kurang dari 2 m. Penelitian ini membuat turbin <em>vortex </em>agar dapat diketahui besar efisiensi yang mampu dihasilkan turbin dari potensi air yang dimiliki sungai Cihonje. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara studi literatur dari beberapa referensi terkait topik tersebut, juga dengan studi lapangan terkait sungai Cihonje. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh nilai efisiensi tertinggi yang mampu dihasilkan turbin <em>vortex </em>tersebut yaitu sebesar 15.33% dengan daya mekanik sebesar 10.53 W dan daya hidrolik sebesar 73 W. Pada <em>head </em>0.22 m mampu memutarkan turbin dengan putaran 298 rpm dengan torsi 0.34 Nm dan bisa untuk memutarkan generator putaran rendah dengan range putaran 250 – 300 rpm.</p> Alvera Melkias, Wisna Diningrat, Rusmana Rusmana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5687 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Manufacture and Testing of the U-Type Savonius Wind Turbine with 4 Blades Vertical Axis https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5239 <p>This research focuses on the design, fabrication, and testing of a 4-blade vertical axis Savonius wind turbine with U-shaped blade types. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance and efficiency of turbines in various wind conditions. The turbine design involves utilizing a vertical axis configuration, which allows simplicity in construction, ease of maintenance, and adaptability to changes in wind direction. The U-shaped turbine blade configuration improves torque generation, leading to better power output. To make a turbine, the right materials and components are needed, and the manufacturing process is carried out carefully so that the turbine has good performance. The dimensions and dimensions of the turbine are determined by a diameter of 0.3 meters and a height of 0.5 meters. A series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the turbine performance under different wind speeds. Generator power output, turbine rotation, and torque generated by the turbine are measured and analyzed. From the tests carried out at a maximum wind speed of 10 m/s it produced a turbine rotation of 296 rpm and a generator power of 20.3 Watt, a power coefficient of 0.0311 with a TSR value of 0.464, and a system efficiency of 7.25%.</p> Shahrul Nuno Gomes, Wahyu Mursanto, Budi Suharto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5239 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Comparative Analysis of Biosolar and Dexlite Fuel on the Performance of Generator Set Type Cummins 60 kVA https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5227 <p><em>The development of fuel in the engine greatly affects the performance of diesel engines so that improvements to fuel quality certainly occur from time to time. Diesel engines at first only use diesel fuel. However, now it has developed and now available other types of fuel. Two of them are Biosolar and Dexlite. Biosolar is a mixture of diesel fuel and vegetable oil obtained from palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO). Biodiesel has the same physical properties as diesel oil so it can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel for diesel engines. Meanwhile, Dexlite is Pertamina's newest fuel oil for diesel-engined vehicles in Indonesia and is a new variant for consumers who want fuel with quality above ordinary (subsidized) diesel. Therefore, testing of the two types of fuel was carried out on a 48 kW Cummins Type Generator Set engine. The fuel testing process is carried out alternately with the parameters taken, namely rotation data, current, voltage, cos φ, frequency, and fuel consumption time. The test results show that Dexlite at maximum load has a higher efficiency value of 32,6704% with produces a prices of Rp4,147.1/kWh and to generate power of 18,1646 kW, the specific fuel consumption produced is 0,291 L/kWh. Whereas Biodiesel at maximum load has a lower efficiency value of&nbsp; 29.0359% with produces a prices of Rp2,287.17/kWh and to generate power of 17.2077 kW, the resulting specific fuel consumption is 0,3363 L/kWh. This is of course influenced by different fuel characteristics, where the calorific value and cetane number contained in Dexlite are better when compared to Biosolar. &nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : fuel characteristics, biodiesel, dexlite, generator set, engine performance</em></p> Christina Natalia Tambunan, Tina Gantina, Bambang Manunggal Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5227 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DESIGN OF BRUSHLESS EXCITER SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR WITH 314 MW POWER CAPACITY https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5248 <p>Synchronous generator requires an excitation system to generate voltage. One of the excitation systems used is a static excitation system where the distribution of the excitation current uses charcoal brushes and slip rings, this causes many losses, namely sparks which can cause the unit to trip, then the current flowing by the charcoal brushes is relatively small, namely 10 A/cm2 . So to eliminate the use of charcoal brushes, namely by using a brushless excitation system. This design is carried out for a synchronous generator with a power capacity of 314 MW at full load conditions with an excitation current of 2810 A and an excitation voltage of 405 V. In this design the components that are considered are the permanent magnet generator, main generator, 3-phase full bridge converter, and rotating rectifier. . The designed PMG capacity is 324.632 kVA, 3 phase full bridge converter capacity is 181.77 kVA, main generator capacity is 2385.1 kVA, and rotary diode capacity is 1138.05 kVA. With this design, the brushless excitation system is capable of producing 314 MW of power with an output voltage of 19002.563 V. The results of theoretical calculations, simulation tests, and generator nameplates are compared, and produce tolerance values below 5%, in accordance with IEEE 1159 standard of 2019 With Thus, the brushless excitation system design achieves the desired performance according to the specified generator specifications.</p> Citra Monicasari, Ali Mashar, Agoeng Rahardjo Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5248 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Harmonic Characteristics in the Electrical System of Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) at Tambak Lorok Block 2 https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5250 <p>Non-linear loads are extensively utilized in various industries, including power generation. The use of non-linear loads is favored due to their high energy efficiency, but it leads to the emergence of harmonics in the power system source. One such example is the Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) at Tambak Lorok Block 2, located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, which employs a three-phase full-wave AC/DC converter for the DC power system as the primary power source for DC generation equipment. Due to the high demand for DC power supply, a large-capacity three-phase full-wave AC/DC converter is required. The harmonics generated exhibit different characteristics depending on the type of non-linear load used. Therefore, a study is needed to model the electrical system and non-linear loads to understand the harmonic characteristics and values in the power generation electrical system. These results will be compared with the IEEE 519-1992 standard.</p> <p>The equivalent approach results indicate that the use of the converter generates odd-order harmonics on the source side, in addition to multiples of three, with significant magnitudes of harmonic current. Furthermore, based on the equivalent electrical system approach using Matlab simulation, the Total Harmonic Distortion Index (THDI) at the 400V Essential Service PDC 4 busbar as the point of common coupling is found to be 16.65%, while the Psim simulation yields a THDI of 21.47%. Additionally, the THDI at the 400V Auxiliary Power Panel 11B busbar, according to Matlab, is 41.25%, and 42.23% according to Psim. These simulation results exceed the permissible harmonic percentage set by the IEEE 519-1992 standard. These harmonics have negative impacts, such as increased loading on induction motors, cables, and transformers, resulting in excessive equipment temperature and reduced lifetime. Furthermore, the effects of harmonic current also result in power losses in the auxiliary power equipment of the plant, which are dissipated as heat.</p> Meilinda Estevani Hutagalung, I Made Wiwit Kastawan, Apip Pudin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Energi https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/energi/article/view/5250 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700