Potensi: Jurnal Sipil Politeknik is a scientific periodical international journal published by the Civil Engineering Department in Politeknik Negeri Bandung 2 times a year, which are every April and October. This journal aims to publish the results of original research and develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies in civil engineering studies. Every article submitted to Potensi will be reviewed using double-blind review system, which is author will not know who the reviewers and vice versa.

Potensi: Jurnal Sipil Politeknik focus in the field of applied research engineering and references study with its scope includes structural and construction engineering, materials engineering, and building materials, construction technology, irrigation engineering, reservoirs and clean water, highway engineering, traffic engineering, water resources engineering, coastal engineering, bridges engineering, project management and construction engineering, urban drainage, and geotechnical engineering.

ISSN Online: 2580-8133

ISSN Print: 1411-2949

Potensi: Jurnal Sipil Politeknik has obtained an accreditation from the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, by the Decree Number: 23/E/KPT/2019, dated 8 August 2019.

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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024): Potensi: Jurnal Sipil Politeknik

Published: 2024-11-18

Construction Management Performance Analysis of Dittopad Flat Building Project

Muhammad Rijali Sukur Pelu, Adden Trianto, Samudra, Okri Asfino Putra, Muhammad Bagus Yulistian; Oktavianus Pranoto; Rakyan Choiruna Daffarel; Rena Avinika Ningtyas, Yuliza Putri Rahmayeni; Dewi Fauzah


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