Development Of Power Monitoring Tools On 50 Wp Based Solar Panel Batteries Internet Of Things

  • Fajar Malik Mahasiswa Teknik Energi
  • Sri Paryanto Mursid Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Sri Utami Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: Battery, ESP 8266, INA 219, IoT, Monitoring, Real-time, SoC.


PLTS is one type of power plant whose potential can be utilized in
Indonesia. PLTS can produce alternative energy by utilizing sunlight. The energy
received from solar panels is stored in the battery and the energy that will be
channeled from the battery requires monitoring so that the condition of the battery
can be maintained properly. Monitoring of the battery is also needed to determine
the value of parameters such as the incoming voltage and current so that this does
not occur overcharge. This research aims to make a tool monitoring based battery
powerIoT in order to make it easier to monitor the condition of the battery with an
automatic system. The sensor used in this study is the INA 219 sensor with the ESP
8266 microcontroller. The results of testing the voltage and current calibration
data of the INA 219 sensor have an average value error voltage 0.43% the result
of the equation 𝑦 = 0,09987x − 0.0065 . for value error the average current is
5.67% the result of the equation 𝑦 = 1,0101x + 24.95. The results of the relay
test against the load are initiated against the value State of Charge. For relay to
load it has a range of values SoC by 31% with conditions below 31% relay will
open, moment SoC above 31% relay will be in condition close. Relay against
battery is initiated when SoC worth 90% of the value SoC above 90% battery relay
will be disconnected (open). The results of research data via the web
server have a battery increase of 69% with an initial condition of a battery
percentage of 27% and a final condition of 95% with an average current of 565 mA
carried out for a total of 8 hours of testing, parameters in monitoring battery can
be displayed through the web server in the form of current, voltage, and State of
Charge battery. The main function of this tool with the system Internet of Things
able to monitor the condition of the battery that can be accessed at any time.


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