Pengaruh DER terhadap ROE Perusahaan Sub Sektor Tekstil dan Garmen Yang Terdaftar di BEI 2015-2019

  • Silvira Agustina Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Hasbi Assidiki Mauluddi Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Rosma Pakpahan Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: debt to equity ratio, return on equity, textile and garment industry company


The aim of this research is to examine the influence of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) towards Return On Equity (ROE) on Textile and Garment Industry Company Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2019. This research uses asosiative method with quantitative approach. This research using secondary data from annually company report. The analysed data is using panel data regression with the assistance of Eviews version 10. The result of this research shows that Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has positive and significant influence toward Return on Equity (ROE).


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How to Cite
Agustina, S., Mauluddi, H. A., & Pakpahan, R. (2021). Pengaruh DER terhadap ROE Perusahaan Sub Sektor Tekstil dan Garmen Yang Terdaftar di BEI 2015-2019. Indonesian Journal of Economics and Management, 1(2), 419-429.