
Welcome New Editor


We are glad and would like to welcome new editors from Politeknik Negeri Batam to our editorial team:

Arif Darmawan, SE., M.Sc.

Adi Irawan Setiyanto, SE., M.Ec.Dev.

Mega Myasari, SE., M.Sc.

Hope that we will make fruitful collaboration to make a novel, innovative, and ground-breaking journal publisher that address both academic and practitioners' needs in the business and investment area.

Call For Reviewers


Editorial Team the Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Investasi (JRBI) with p-ISSN 2460-8211 and e-ISSN 2684-706X, welcome lecturers or researchers to voluntarily become our peer-reviewers (no fees). If you are pleased, all necessary information is required with an asterisk (*) on the registration link: