1. The manuscript should be submitted by the Online Submission System in the JRBI website HERE.
  2. Firstly, the author should register as either an author in the REGISTER page.
  3. After the registration step is completed, log in as an author, click NEW SUBMISSION in the user home. 
  4. The article submission stage consists of five stages:  (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files, (5) Confirmation.
  5. In the “Start”, select JOURNAL SECTION (regular issue), and check all the checklists.
  6. In the “Upload Submission”, upload the manuscript files in MS Word format.
  7. In the “Enter Metadata”, fill in with all the author data and affiliation (including the Paper Title, Abstract, and Keywords).
  8. In the “Upload Supplementary Files”, the author is allowed to upload supplementary files like statement letter or any other files.
  9. In the “Confirmation”, if the data you have entered are all correct, then click “Finish Submission”.
  10. For a tutorial in Bahasa Indonesia please CLICK HERE.
  11. If the author has difficulties in the submission process through the online system, please CONTACT US.