This journal is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. If your manuscript has been assessed as not suitable with the scope of JRBI, or did not follow manuscript template, your submission will be declined without review process. Two expert reviewets will give a recommendation for: "accept submission", "revisions required", "resubmit for review", "resubmit elsewhere", and "decline submission". Reviewer should select one of the recommendations and submit details of the review/comment to complete the process. Based on the two recommendations, the Editorial Board will then give a decision on the manuscript, with various possibilities: "rejected"; "accepted with major revision"; "accepted with a minor revision" or "accepted without revision". If the author(s) are asked to revise the manuscript, please do so based on reviewers' comments and upload your revised manuscript in the same submission account. Once the manuscripts meet the JRBI criterias and standard for acceptance, author(s) will get letter of acceptance via email. This whole process takes 2 weeks to 1 month, depend on the situation. Please make sure to take this into consideration when you have already a publication target.
All reviewing process is conducted through OJS. For reviewers who are not familiar with OJS, please refer to this REVIEWER TUTORIAL.
We provide an opportunity for lecturers or researchers to join as our peer-reviewers voluntarily. Please fill in the registration form HERE.