Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021

Published: 2021-10-29

Students’ Lexical Choice Tendency and Ability to Distinguish British and American English Lexical

Tanti Nikmatul Zanah, Willyana Ramlan, Ela Nurmala
View: 211 Download: 286 73-85

Investigation of Neologism in Promotional Text on Instagram

Mulyati Khorina, Zaqi Herdiansyah, Mohammad Febryanto
View: 302 Download: 331 86-93

An Analysis of Modulation Technique in the Translation of Bumi Manusia Novel into this earth of Mankind

Mohammad Yahya, Syifa Aullianisa Fatiha , Danny Gandana Nugraha
View: 384 Download: 1212 94-108

An Analysis of Indonesian Translation of Similes Used In Philip Pullman's Novel Entitled the Golden Compass

Farida Agoes, Muhammad Fajar Naufal, Nita Henita Koesoemah
View: 170 Download: 306 109-118

The Persuasive Language Used in Advertisements in Magazine

Siti Yuliah, Januar Fitriyandi, Muhammad Yahya
View: 740 Download: 2204 119-129