Article Withdrawal

Publications that have been published in the JASMIN Journal may be subject to consideration for withdrawal from publication if:

  1. There exists compelling evidence indicating that the findings lack reliability, either due to significant errors such as miscalculation or experimental errors, or as a consequence of fabrication, such as data manipulation or image alteration.
  2. There exist various components associated with plagiarism.
  3. The above findings have been disseminated without appropriate acknowledgment of the original source or notification to the editor, authorization to republish, or justification (i.e., an instance of excessive publication).
  4. The content in question may include unauthorized material or data, whether due to copyright infringement or other significant legal concerns such as defamation or privacy infringement.
  5. An ethical infraction has occurred.
  6. Has been disseminated only through a flawed or manipulated peer review procedure
  7. The author neglected to provide information on significant competing interests, often known as conflicts of interest, which, according to the editor's perspective, might potentially exert an undue effect on the interpretation of the work or the recommendations made by the editor and peer reviewers.

These standards adhere to the COPE guidelines.