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  • Manuscripts have never been published and are not being considered for publication by other publishers (notes for editors can be entered in the comments column)
  • Manuscripts are prepared using the Microsoft Word format
  • The script is written following to the template
  • If any, the URL address for reference has been attached
  • Citations and bibliography are prepared using the APA (American Psychological Association) format
  • Research reported in the manuscript is carried out in accordance with prevailing general ethics

1. Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript submitted must be written in Indonesian or English. When submitting the manuscript, please confirm:

  • The manuscript was never published in any previous publisher
  • The manuscript is not being considered for publication by other publishers
  • The study reported in the manuscript was conducted by following the general ethics

For any manusscript that later was found not following these guidelines, the editorial team reserves the right to revoke the publication. 

2. Submission of Manuscript

Starting January 1, 2017, JRBI only accepts the manuscript submitted online through the website Email or hardcopy submission will not be followed up. The manuscript must also be accompanied by a brief biography of the author (or writers), a statement of originality, and a statement that has never been published. Editors have the right to change the format or correct writing errors that will be loaded without changing the intent and contents of the essay.

3. Writing Format

The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman as a font style and font size 12pt. Manuscripts are typed in the A4 size paper (8.27 "x 11.69"), single spacing, the upper and lower left-right margin of 1". All paragraphs including footnotes or captions below the table must use both left and right (justify). Manuscripts are written in a two-column format and tables and images are inserted between them. Don't use spaces between paragraphs, let the beginning of the sentence in each paragraph be indented. Instead, give space when changing chapters or sub-chapters.

The process of citation and management of references is required to use Endnote or Mendeley software which can be downloaded for free at:

The recommended length of the manuscript is 10-15 pages including tables, images, bibliography and attachments. Writing is made with systematics as follows: title; author/authors; abstract; keywords; preliminary; literature review; method; results and discussion; conclusions and recommendations; bibliography; and attachments (if any).

  • Title: The title must be made to be concise, effective and reflect the contents of the text. Times New Roman, 16pt, Bold, Center, capital letters at the beginning of each word. Second titles in English are permitted to be written under the Indonesian language title.
  • Author: Author's full name, affiliation, and correspondence email (written in a box in the lower-right corner of the text). For more than one author, give an asterisk (*) to the recipient of the correspondence. Times New Roman, 12pt for full name and 10pt for affiliates and e-mail.
  • Abstract: Essence of writing that describing the overall writing idea or explaining the aspects included in the manuscript. Abstracts must be written in English, abstracts in Indonesian written after abstracts in English. Writing abstracts should not be more than 150 words.
  • Keywords: Keywords that describe the contents of the writing. Provide at least three keywords, which are written alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;) each after one keyword. Don't end with a period (.).
  • Introduction: This section contains background and problem formulation. In addition, it can also be explained about the importance of the problem, scientific reasons for topic selection.
  • Literature Review: In this section, the author builds a frame of thinking that will help him solve the problems mentioned in the previous section. A good literature review must have a theoretical basis that is strong and relevant to the context of the problem.
  • Method: The methodology used in research such as samples & sampling methods, hypotheses testing, research procedures, instrumentation, variables measurement, and data analysis.
  • Results and Discussion: In this section, describe and discuss results/findings obtained from the research and analysis.
  • Conclusion and Suggestions: The author can form conclusions in two ways. First, in argumentative writings, summaries of important arguments can be made in the form of theses or arguments. Second, for non-argumentative conclusions, it is enough to find important points or answers to the problems described in the content. Suggestions can be aimed at developing further research.
  • Bibliography: Bibliography is prepared using Endnote or Mendeley software, using the APA (American Psychological Association) format. Example:

Abrams, D. E., & Hogg, M. A. (1990). Social identity theory: Constructive and critical advances. Springer-Verlag Publishing.

Dichter, E. (1966). How word-of-mouth advertising works. Harvard Business Review, 147-160.

Fishbein, M. (1979). A theory of reasoned action: some applications and implications. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 65-116.

Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., Walsh, G., & Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic Word-of-Mouth Via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on the Internet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 38–52.

Im, J., Zou, W., Song, J., Hancer, N., & Qu, H. (2013). The Relationship between eWOM Motivation and eWOM Behavior in the Restaurant Industry. The 18 th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference. Hospitality and Tourism Proceedings.

Karimuddin, A. (2015, Februari 27). There Are Four Million LinkedIn Users in Indonesia. Diambil dari DailySocial:

McQuail, D. (1983). Mass Communication Theory, 1st Ed. London: Sage.